Coming in for a regular annual physical exam is a great way to level-set your health. On top of getting an overview of your vital signs, physicals provide you the opportunity to reconnect with your doctor and discuss any questions you may have about your health.
Come in to Local MD Urgent Care for your annual physical exam. Our compassionate team creates a warm, welcoming environment where you’re free to raise any concerns you may have. Schedule an appointment or walk in to any of our locations to get your physical today!
What is an annual physical?
An annual physical exam is a routine visit to your doctor. As the name suggests, it’s generally recommended that you get a physical exam once a year. Doing so gives you an opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns about your well-being.
Generally speaking, your annual physical exam will cover two main points. First, your physician will talk with you about your medical history and your lifestyle. Second, your physician will run you through the actual exam, checking your vitals and ensuring there are no signs for concern.
What to expect during your annual physical
When you come into Local MD for an annual physical, you can expect a robust examination touching on your blood pressure, heart rate, weight, and body mass index (BMI). Here’s a list of the specific examinations you can expect at your annual physical:
Vital Signs
Blood Pressure — Doctors define high blood pressure, or Hypertension, as having a blood pressure as 130 over 80 or higher.
Heart Rate — Measured in beats per minute, a normal heart rate falls somewhere between 60 and 100 beats.
Respiration Rate — Taking 20 or more breaths per minute could suggest that you’re having heart or lung problems.
Temperature — On average, your body temperature be around 98.6º Fahrenheit.
Just by looking at and talking with you, your physician will learn a lot. They’ll see if you have issues with recalling details, or if you have trouble standing and walking.
Heart Exam
Using a stethoscope, a doctor will listen to your heartbeat, making careful note for the presence of an irregular heartbeat or heart murmur.
Lung Exam
With their stethoscope, your physician will listen carefully for wheezing or crackling when you breathe. These could be signs of heart or lung disease.
Abdominal Exam
By touching different areas of your abdomen, the physician will inspect for the presence of abdominal fluid or unusual tenderness.
For male exams, men can expect to have their testicles and penis examined for any signs of testicular cancer or sexually transmitted infections (STI). Physicians may also check for hernias by telling you to “turn your head and cough,” which checks for weaknesses in the wall between the intestines and scrotum.
For female exams, women can expect to have their breasts examined for any signs of breast cancer or other benign conditions. A pelvic exam searches for signs of STIs or cervical cancer.